


The organiser of the Walking Sub-Group is Denis McMahon and he can be contacted by email at mcmahondenis@gmail.com

Úna coordinates the activities of these group-led meetings for those with an interest in gardening.

Our weekly Social Walking Group’s activities have continued a pace over the summer meeting every Wednesday at 10.30 hrs and it is proving to be a most popular Group. Now, at the start of September, we have 26 enthusiastic members on our WhatsApp Social Walking Group . An average of 12 of these turn up of a Wednesday morning with Denis McMahon as our co-ordinator and leader.

Members suggest and agree a route and cafe for the following week. We have all being introduced to beautiful walking paths, within the city confines or a short distance out of town. And most wonderfully these outings are an opportunity to socialise with other members as we explore the walking trails around Limerick, and sit to enjoy the welcome cuppa at the end of our ramble. It is not always clear if members come for the walk, or for the coffee and chat which is enjoyed at the end of the walk!

Denis will continue to notify members on the WhatsApp Social Walking Group of the route for the following Wednesday.

If you would like to to get these notifications and join this jolly group email Denis at mcmahondenis@gmail.com with permission to add your contact details to the WhatsApp group.